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There's no such thing as safe sex—only safer sex—and COVID-19 has added an additional hazard.

It's important to be aware of the risks and to make the best decisions for you individually, for anyone you are intimate with, and for the people you care about.

Based on the best information we currently have available, COVID-19 is mostly being transmitted person-to-person. Please consider avoiding physical, and particularly intimate, interactions with new partners. This isn't a good time to be swapping spit!

We know it can be a drag being cooped up inside, but there are lots of other ways to have fun: sexting or phone/video sex are great ways to get hot without getting sick. Make new friends and have deep conversations: you have a new ice-breaker that everyone can relate to.

Whatever you do, please stay safe out there and make smart decisions about when and how you are intimate with others.

You can find a lot of additional information about COVID-19 on the CDC website.

-the #open team